Overview and Activities

Quick Look

Next Bird Walk / Field Trip: to be announced

Next Meeting: Monday 12th August, 4pm, Annual Picnic, Oakside Park


Unless indicated otherwise, all SMAS Programs are held at the Adams County Agricultural Resource Center, 670 Old Harrisburg Road, Gettysburg, PA at 7:30 pm (refreshments at 7 pm). A room number for the SMAS meeting will be posted on the front lobby entry inner door.

Bonnie Portzline (profile - courtesy of The Gettysburg Times) is happy to give her presentation ‘Birds with a Gettysburg address’ to interested parties. The presentation is based on her wonderful photographs of local birds.

Bird Arrivals and Departures

Spring migrants are starting to appear. If you want to hear what Society members are observing join the email discussion. You can join at any time. If you are interested contact Mike Bertram at 717-809-3911.

Local Bird Sightings in 2023

The high point of the year was the recently created beaver pond next to Devil's Den in Gettysburg NMP. The first sighting of a Lesser Bittern in Adams County was at the pond, as was the first breeding record of a Virginia Rail. Other notable sightings in the county were of a Golden Eagle, Orange-crowned Warbler, and Connecticut Warbler.

In the grasslands IBA we had the first records of an Eurasian Collared Dove and a Northern Saw-whet Owl.

The only notable sighting in the South Mountain IBA was a Herring Gull, the previous record was from 2016.

Meetings and other Activities

Annual Evening Picnic, August 12- Our Annual SMAS Picnic will be held on Monday, August 12 beginning at 4 PM with a social hour, followed by a covered dish meal at 5 PM, at Oakside Park in Biglerville - Route 394 - 2880 Table Rock Road.

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Contact Linette Mansberger (call or text at 717-495-8137) if you are interested in joining us.

Monday, September 16, Meeting Dr. Andy Wilson, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies at Gettysburg College, will update us on his songbird research using drones. He will also share preliminary results from marsh bird studies being conducted this summer along the Chesapeake Bay.

Saturday, September 21 Slyder Farm Loop at Gettysburg NMP. More information will follow.

Saturday, September 28 South Middleton Park. More information will follow.

The South Mountain Audubon Society aims are to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity focusing on Adams County, PA.

The Society works towards those aims with meetings, birding trips, and conservation activities.

There are 2 Important Bird Areas locally:

Click here to join National Audubon and the South Mountain Audubon Society. Please select U17 as the Chapter code from the drop down menu on the form.

If you only want to join the South Mountain Audubon Society only then sign up at the next event you attend. The annual membership is $15.

The Society can be contacted in the following ways:

email: the2nomads@gmail.com

Tel.: 717-809-3911

Mail: SMAS, P.O. Box 3671, Gettysburg, PA 17325.

Educational Initiatives

South Mountain Audubon sponsors educational efforts on natural history in the local schools. This year it financed the purchase of books by the Bermudian Middle School.

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Bermudian not found

Field Trips

FIELD TRIPS - Field trips will be planned on an annual basis and a tentative list will be sent in late December to those on our email list. Details for day trips will be announced in the monthly email blasts, and details for overnight trips will be announced a few months in advance. Also, information can be found on this website. Each monthly email will list a contact person and a meeting place and time for the upcoming events. If you are not on our email list, you can contact Mike Bertram at the2nomads@gmail.com or call 717-809-3911 (please leave a voicemail) if you have questions or need other details. Field trip cancellations will be announced by email as soon as possible and also on this website.

Hashawha Environmental Center, Carroll County, MD

On Saturday, 27th April, a group of SMAS members visited the Hashawha Environmental Center in Maryland. 40 species were observed.

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Canada Geese family

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Eastern Bluebird Dad feeding youngster

Photos by Evan Vaeth

Battlefield Bed and Breakfast

On the 8th May SMAS visited Battlefield Bed and Breakfast on Emmitsburg Road, Gettysburg, and walk around the grounds, seeing 51 species.

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Gray Catbird

Photo by Linette Mansberger

International Migratory Birds Day

On Saturday, the 11th May, which was International Migratory Bird Day, SMAS took its annual walk around the Spangler's Spring area of Gettysburg NMP. An amazing 74 species were observed.

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Scarlet Tanager catching insect

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Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Notice the insect in its beak

Photos by Linette Mansberger

Bird Walk

On Saturday, the 25th May, SMAS walked around Oakside Park outside Biglerville. 40 species were observed.

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Northern Flicker Chicks

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Cedar Waxwings collecting nest material

Photos by Linette Mansberger

Devil's Den Area,
Gettysburg NMP

On the 1st of June South Mountain Audubon birded around the Devil's Den area in Gettysburg Park; 62 species were observed.

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Group at Beaver Pond

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Blue Grosbeak

Photos by Linette Mansberger