Document Collection

Pupils under Scholarships from the Annual Report
of the Educational Home, 1888

In Memoria.

Note: these do not seem to be Indians. Also the numbers do not seem to equate with the Civil War orphans.

Name of PupilScholarship
Robert McCormickSamuel V. Cope
James CarriganHartley Merrick
Walter B. BanksSamuel V. Merrick
William S. PattersonThomas H. Trotter
Willie MasseyS. Emlen Randolph
Raymond HarperJohn Bohlen
Walter AtkinsWillie Fitch Merrick
Frank SeedsF. A. Drexel jr.
Thomas McCormickLucy W. Merrick
Elmer SewellAlgernon S. Roberts
William McCuenFranklin A. Dick
Edward CareyHenry Lewis
George CarsonI. V. Williamson
Richard Kelley Mrs. J. Bellangee Cox
Frederick WhiteleyRt. Rev. T. A. Jaggar
Howard CoxSt. James' Church
John SliderRev. Henry J. Morton
Wm. Lewis Carson Mrs. George T. Lewis


See Thomas Symons Patent table S.3 for an extended deed history of the Ivycroft estate.

and Thomas Symons Patent table S.5 for the Lincoln Institute site details.

See Museum of the American Indian and the Smithsonian Institute for more general information on the Indian Schools.

  1. See references #3 and #6
  2. Chester County deed Q9-315
  3. Philadelphia Times, April 13, 1884. For a shortened version of the article in another newspaper report see here.
  4. Montgomery County deed 294-460
  5. Chester County deed T10-116
  6. Newspaper report - Lincoln Institute 21st annual meeting
  7. See 1900 census and ah-nen-la-de-ni's (aka Daniel Le France) autobiography extract. The complete autobiograph can be found at full autobiography
  8. Chester County deed S12-40
  9. See Mrs. Cox's obituary
  10. See Newspaper report - Lincoln Institution's Work, dated 4 February 1907
  11. Chester County deed M15-269
  12. See newspaper report Charity will Resume its Original Purpose
  13. Chester County deed K16-598 and Montgomery County deed 926-444
  14. Chester County deed T25-270


Roger Thorne provided support and significant documents from his collection. Meg Wiederseim performed newspaper searches.

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