Document Collection

History of Berwyn Fire Company

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The Berwyn Fire Company was formally organized in July 1894, upon adoption of a Constitition and byelaws which noted "Danger from fire prompts unified action." Several years before, men from Berwyn had joined together in order to fight the danger from fire.

Fire equipment was provided by each volunteer. Every man kept a bucket and a sectional ladder ready at all times, and brought the equipment with him when he answered an alarm. The buckets formed a brigade, and the ladder sections were joined at the scene of the fire. The alarm was sounded by banging at sledge hammer against the iron tire of a locomotive drive wheel.

Soon after, a drawn hook and ladder was purchased. The supposedly horse drawn, but often hand drawn, wagon carried six five-gallon chemical tanks, leather buckets, and several ladder sections. To replace the sledge and wheel, a bell was purchased at a total cost of $67.00 from the Fairmont Fire Association. The decision to purchase the bell was made after receiving several other prices. The bell still hangs in the fire tower of the present building.

In 1906, a horse-drawn Waterous 350-gallon pumper was obtained. In order to gurantee prompt attention to the fire bell by local livery stables, a five dollar prize was offered to the first liveryman to arrive with a pair of horses. Berwyn;s three liverymen entered into the spirited competition, and many a stiring race was seen by the townspeople when the fire bell was sounded.

In 1917, a giant step forward was taken when the first motorized equipment was purchased. The efficiency of fire protection was improved but the stirring horse race competition was eliminated.

A Model T chemical tankwagon was purchased in 1920 to keep pace with the growing community. Ground was broken on May 8, 1929 for the present fire house. Enlargements for game room, sleeping quarters, and additional vehicles have since been added.

The following list of equipment was purchased in the years indicated:

1934 LaFrance Quad Ladder Truck1956 1000-gallon Mack Pumper
1946 Jeep Field Wagon1958 4-wheel drive Power Wagon
1947 750-gallon LaFrance Pumper1965 Ford Field Wagon
1950 1000-gallon Autocar Pumper 1965 1000-gallon Hahn Pumper
1951 Ford Field Wagon 1969 New 1000-gallon Hahn Pumper
1955 75-foot Aerial Ladder (Mack) Truck (to be delivered May 1, 1969)

We have listed in the history of the Berwyn Fire Company the building and the equipment. These are essential for a Fire Company, and graphically illustrates the changes in growth in the organization. The most importnat fiber of the volunteer Fire Company is, however, the volunteers themselves. Volunteers have raised the largest part of the funds necessary for buildings and equipment. They have serviced and manned the buildings and equipment. There were dedicated citizens of Berwyn who founded the Berwyn Fire Company 75 years ago in 1894. There are dedicated citizens - volunteers - who serve the Berwyn Fire Company in 1969.

Transcribed from the Berwyn Fire Company 75th Anniversary booklet, May 17th,1969, by Mike Bertram 5/26/2023. A copy of the magazine was donated to the Tredyffrin Easttown Historical Society by Spencer Pyle.