Document Collection

Remaining Estate of Dr. John Davis, dec'd.

11.22.1829 American Republican
PURSUANT to an order of the
Orphan's Court of Chester county, will be
exposed to public sale on Saturday the 16th of
January next, on the premises, the remaining estate
of Dr.John Davis,dec'd. in a certain Plantation
and tract of land, situate int he township of
Tredyffrin, and county aforesaid; bounded by lands
of Dr. William Harris, Jacob Massey, William Walker
and others; containing 162 1-2 acres,
including a sufficient proportion of wood-land -
The soil with good cultivation is productive, being
for the most part limestone land.
The improvements are, a large stone Dwelling
House, a spring house over a spring of good water,
wagon house, barn, lime-kiln and quarries, an
apple orchard, &c.
Sale at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Terms will
be made known by Joshua Jones,
Matthew Roberts,
Adm's. [Administrators].
By the Court - S.SIEGFRIED,Clerk.
Dec. 22. 66 4t

Sale completed 4/1/1830.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/11/2022.

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