At Public Vendue, on Saturday 5th of September next, on the premises, that well known property, by the name of the “BLACK BEAR TAVERN,” on the Philadelphia and Lancaster turnpike road, and immediate possession given. The buildings are a two-story stone House, forty feet in front, with a cellar underneath; a stone kitchen adjoining; two pumps of good water convenient thereto; a stone spring-house over a never failing spring of excellent water; two tenant houses, one of stone, the other part stone and part frame, new; a stone stable and sheds sufficient; a log barn; forty-five feet by twenty-four, part of which has stabling of stone underneath; about thirty-three acres of land; an apple orchard and a number of other fruit trees; part of which is woodland and excellent meadow ground, well supplied with water. - It is thought unnecessary to say anything more respecting said property, as it is thought any person willing to purchase, will view the property before the day of sale, when conditions of sale will be made known, and an indisputable title made by the subscribers.
James Foote
Hannah Foote
Sale to commence at 2 o’clock on said day.
August 10, 1818
American Republican 8/18/1818