The property to the west of the Baugh farm also had a tan yard (see 1847 map below). It was run by Randall Evans from 1797 to around 1835. The exact location is not known but it was on the lower side of the property, i.e. near to the northern boundary.
A detailed timeline for the Tannery
- 1797 Tanner - Randall Evans (County Tax)
- 1798 Joel Evans owned a log mill house 24’ x 24’ on 99 acres, tenant Randall Evans, next to Jacob Baugh. (Glass Tax);
Tannery – Richard Robinson (County Tax)
- 1799 Tanyard – Joel Evans (occupier: Randal Evans) – County Tax;
Tanner – Joshua Evans– County Tax
- 1807 Tanner – Randall Evans (Pennsylvania Septennial Census)
- 1820 Bark Mill (1820 manufacturing census)
- 1821 Tanner – Randall Evans (Pennsylvania Septennial Census)
- 1825 Randall Evans – tan yard (county tax)
- 1830 Randall Evans – tan yard (county tax)
- 1835 Randall Evans – tan yard (county tax)
- 1838 Randall Evans (Samuel Swane), 10a, half mansion house & tan yard (county tax)
- 1847 No tan yard on map
- 1849 American Republican 1/2/1849:
Sale of 160 acres of land. Lower end of the premises formerly used as a tannery.
Dr. Edmund C. Evans, tannery used by Randall Evans on 160 acres (sale ad)
- 1850 E. C. Evans to Thomas Biddle, 160 acres (deed M5-444)