No images are available of this house.

The area to the west of Thomas Road has a confusing history. The tract was purchased by Lewis Walker in 1703. It descended to Daniel Walker who sold the major part to the Reverend William Currie in 1751. The remaining part was extended through a patent also in 1751.

Daniel sold part of the tract to his son, Jacob Walker, in 1767. The other part was acquired by Benjamin Jones in 1776 after Daniel’s death.

Benjamin Jones and Jacob Walker were the owners of the 2 tracts at the time of the Valley Forge encampment. General Potter occupied the Jones house and General Poor occupied the Jacob Walker house. In 1791 Jacob Walker’s house burnt and the tract was purchased by Benjamin Jones. In the Glass Tax returns there is only one stone house on Benjamin Jones’ property.

At the present time there are 2 houses in the area that claim an 18th century heritage. The northernly one was probably Benjamin Jones’ house. The southerly one is located where Jacob Walker had his property and likely dates from the 19th century.

References: No articles have been published on this house. See the deed history and the genealogy of the Walker family.